TIBL Multiplier event SADE, Swedish Association for Distance Education, Stockholm, SE 12-13 September, 2019

TIBL Multiplier event SADE; Swedish Association for Distance Education, Stockholm, SE 12-13 September, 2019



Bildresultat för european commission co funded


The TIBL project (Technical Innovation in Blended  Learning), mutiplier event for SADE took place in combination with SADEs annual conference at Saturnus Conference, Stockholm, SE. In additon it was combined with another EU project, the VTT-BOX where there are some synergy effects and spin offs. The mutiplier event gathered some 50 delegates from different kind of stakeholders and sectores, such as Univerities, National Authorities as Swedish Higher Edcuation Authority (UKÄ), The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR),The Swedish Agency for School Education (Skolverket). Other delagates were just to mention some Företagarna (organsation for the co-operative sector)Digital Skills and Job Coalition, Sweden, the National Organization for e-comptence (REK), Schools, Companies, and also the private sector and individuals who had an interest in the field.

Besides delegates from Sweden, we had delagates and presenters from the Nordic countries, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Iceland was about to join but they had to cancel. In addition, we had delegates from the Netherlands. During the event the Nordic network for open online and flexible learning was launched NordFlexOn, to be hosted by ICDE.

The theme for the Multiplier event was on



The President Ulf Sandström and V President Ebba Ossiannilsson for SADE in action.

See the full program here

All presentations will be available here

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