Digital Competences

The consortium identified specific digital competences which are necessary in the frame of C-VET(1) courses. This targets both groups of stakeholders – learners as well as trainers.

On one hand, the consortium identified missing digital competences in SMEs (in general) as well as in the group of employees. Nevertheless, many trainers also lack digital competences. On the other hand, learners are used to work with various digital devices (we call them multiple devices) during their work and also for further education or continuous vocational training.

During the project, these circumstances are analysed, evaluated (also in the pilot courses) and uses as an impact for the trainers’ toolbox. To asssit trainers, a summary with solution proposals is presented in the MOOC as well.

The transferability and evaluation guide will offer a transfer of the developed solutions and proposals for other educational fields (School Education, Adult Education, and partly Higher Education). The complementary combination of the consortium enables to cover all the mentioned items with the experience of organisations teaching for many years in these educational fields.

To define these competences the European Digital Competence Framework 2.1 is used in the project.

Here is a short summary of these competences:







(1) C-VET means continuous vocational education and training.