The TIBL project was presented at the 4th UnderInvestigation event UAv)

The project TIBL was presented at the University of Aveiro in the context of the 4th UnderInvestigation event. The discussion was very fruitful and related to the objectives of the pilot course (to develop three areas of the DigComp in a blended learning course using multiple devices).

The most interesting question was about how to assess the students’ competences, since auto assessment is based on the students’perceptions. Stay in contact, we will disseminate the solution adopted in the context of the project.

Further information of this event is available from the webpage of the university

About the project

The activities performed are the development, implementation, performing and evaluation of pilot courses in C-VET, the programming of a supporting software tool for trainers, the implementation of a training course for trainers to learn about the new techniques and the creation of a transferability and evaluation guide for the use of the developed outputs.

Presentation at UAv







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